02READ Week Two
All work due at noon on Mon. 7/01 (print this page)
- Textbook: Photography by Horenstein
- chapter 9; pages 163-183
- chapter 6; pages 97-107
- chapter 7; pages 113-121
- Online
Reading: Click on this 02Lecture file and
study it for the quiz this week.
- Online
Reading: Click on Kodak's
Classroom - Rules
of Composition. This presentation will step you through the basics on
composition in photography.
See if you always agree with Kodak's concept of good vs. bad
composition (this will be part of our Discussions this week; see below).
- Online
Reading: Click on Design Basics. This slide show illustrates basic
Design Principles. Read the Design Principles segment in 02Lecture
in advance of viewing.
- QUIZ #2
(graded) on readings - available between from Fri., 6/27 at
10am until Mon. 7/1 at noon.
this quiz ONLY ONCE this week
so give it your best effort and study fully in advance. On-campus classes do not take
quizzes and exams as open-book tests. These are not intended to be open-book tests in our online
class either.
- Rules_Breaking Rules
- Due: Monday, July 1st by noon.
- Click
on this HowTo.htm file, print it out as a hard copy and save it as a reference for
uploading your images through the WebCT Assignment Tool.
Weekly Bulletin Board
Discussions are mandatory. The two
topics this week are:
A. SoMA - Which Rules of Composition and Design Principles to
you see most often in these award winning images from the 2002 School of Media
Arts Photography Award Showcase.
Talk about your two favorite images using design and composition terms
to support your point of view. Do
any break the rules?
B. Review Kodak's Composition site again (in particular
the image of Karen
sitting on the farmer's wagon in the Balance category. Examine and compare the first image to
the second
version that Kodak says is more 'balanced'. Which one do you really like
best? Is it Kodak's choice? If not, why do you like the first one