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High Power Rocketry

I was originally "rocketed into the fourth dimension" in the third grade. My elementary school offered special "exploratory" classes once a week. I took rocketry and was hooked. After a long hiatus between high-school and having kids, I got back into rocketry by introducing it to my children. It has proven itself a worthy hobby on may a science project.

ROC Stock - June 2004

Scott and Cameron at Base Camp
Scott and Cameron

This is the launch I certified Level 1 for High Power Rocketry (HPR). I had one previous attempt at Level 1 certification that failed because I could not recovery the rocket; the parachute was over-sized and it blew out of site

Cameron and I built this rocket, called the "Go Lakers!" The rocket contains electronics that deploy a drogue (streamer) at apogee and the main parachute at approximately 800 feet. I failed at my HPR Level 2 attempt. I passed the written test, but the main chute failed to deploy, so I failed the attempt.

ROCStock 2004 Collage

Rocket Video

This video is of the "Hillbilly" high-power rocket team at LDRS 26. Look what them hillbillies can do. Hot damn! This is an embedded YouTube video.