Alejandra Jarabo
MAT 116-0081

Media Arts & Technologies Division. Santa Barbara City College
SHAPE TWEENS_________to the next page

Shape-tweens are Flash animation assistants that allow you to interpolate shape-content "in between" an INITIAL KEYFRAME and an ENDING KEYFRAME.
  • You need to have 2 keyframes and at least one frame in between them.
  • The more frames in between, the longer duration of the transformation.
  • The content of those keyframes needs to be just shapes and strokes (no groups, no symbols, no bitmaps)
  • You can make consecutive Shape Tweens (keyframe 1 to keyframe 2, keyframe 2 to keyframe 3...)
Flash is considering the location of the points in both keyframes, the styles of the strokes (if any), the colors or gradients of the fills, and then it is trying to fit a "logical transition" from one to the other.
The effect is some kind of a 2D morph in between keyframes.

See how Flash is trying to "carry" the four corners of the flower into the 2 major points of the second shape (first Shape Tween).

The first keyframe contains a medium green flower, it tweens to
the second keyframe, containing a lighter green 2-petal flower.
The second keyframe tweens to the third keyframe, which contains a much smaller 2-petal flower in a lighter green.
The Third keyframe stays only one frame on screen.


In this case, 1 red square (first keyframe) is being transformed into 3 smaller squares (second keyframe).

The 3 squares of the second keyframe (all in the same layer)
Shape Tween onto 3 smaller squares: one of them has been rotated onto a diamond shape (third keyframe).

See how Flash is switching positions between 2 of the squares from the second to the third keyframe.