Resource Links for GDP111 Design Basics

Unit 01

Print vs. web

What is a PDF and how to use it (SOMA resource)
How to create a press quality PDF with InDesign
Export to PDF (Adobe resource page)

Packaging (Note that these are for CS3 but apply to CS4):
How to create a package in InDesign (Adobe tutorial)
Learning to package in InDesign (SOMA resource)

Using Xythos:
Using Xythos to store files and back up your work

How to Save a Word Document as a PDF File to Upload

How to combine multiple pdf files into a single pdf file

Unit 02

Getting started in InDesign
Creating a new document in InDesign CS4
Introducing CS4

The InDesign Workspace
How to Customize your workspace using InDesign
Customizing the workspace (Adobe video)
Using the workspace in InDesign (Adobe tutorial)
How to Scan (for the Postcard with Panaché Forum)

Unit 03

Typography is what language looks like! (You Tube)

Type terms:
A glossary of typographic terms (Adobe resource page)
Typography glossary (

Type basics:
Type topics (Adobe)
Type tips (Adobe)
Real world tips for working with text in InDesign (Adobe press)

Unit 04

Formatting text in CS4
Making a text frame (Adobe video)
Character formatting (Adobe video)
Paragraph formatting (Adobe video)
Placing and flowing text (Adobe video)

Creating tables:
Creating table styles - (You Tube video)
Creating a nice table

Setting tabs:
How to set tabs (Adobe tutorial)

Unit 05

Setting up guides and grids (Adobe tutorial)
Five simple steps to designing with grids
Making grids in InDesign (You Tube video)
Designing with grids

Aligning objects (Adobe tutorial)

Unit 06

Text wraps:
Working with text wraps (Adobe tutorial)
Setting up a text wrap(Adobe tutorial)

Working with color in Adobe Illustrator (Adobe tutorial)

Unit 07

One of the best resources you could rely on to learn about the differences, use, and creation of spot and process color is your book. Read through Chapter 12 — Color Essentials.

Drawing a vector heart artwork with Adobe Illustrator
(You Tube video)

The difference between vector and raster images
(You Tube video)

Spot color in Indesign

Adobe Illustrator basics (You Tube video)

Managing graphic links (Adobe tutorial)

Unit 08

Exporting to PDF for prepress
Making PDFS with crop marks in InDesign (Adobe tutorial)

Style sheets and master pages:
Style sheets in Indesign CS3 (You Tube video)
Styles (Adobe tutorial)
Master pages in InDesign CS3 (You Tube video)
Master Pages (Adobe tutorial)

Mailing indicias:
What is a mailing indicia?
How to design an imprint indicia

Unit 09

Printing separations
Preparing to print separations (Adobe tutorial)

How to Create a PDF file with Composites and with Color Separations

Exporting to PDF with crop marks and bleeds:
Marks and bleeds options for PDFs

Unit 10

Photoshop basics
Learning Photoshop (videos)

What is and how to make a duotone

Unit 11

Resolution in Photoshop pt. 1 (You Tube video)
Resolution in Photoshop pt. 2 (You Tube video)
Resizing images (You Tube video)

Unit 12

Process color
When to use spot or process colors or both
Spot color vs. process color (You Tube video)
Understanding process and spot color (Adobe tutorial)

How to use color swatches in InDesign (Tutorial)

Stock photos
Istock photos (inexpensive stock images)
Punchstock photos (inexpensive stock images)
Stock.xchng (free stockphotos)

Unit 13

Preflighting files in Indesign
Checking your documents before exporting (Adobe tutorial)
Live preflight in InDesign CS4 (Adobe video)

Unit 14

Stock photos
Istock photos (inexpensive stock images)
Punchstock photos (inexpensive stock images)
Stock.xchng (free stockphotos)

Unit 15
