01READ Week One
All work due Mon. 6/24 (by noon)
- Read
the following sections from within the Course Contents page.
- Introduction:
- Welcome
- Materials and Resources:
- FilmEtc.htm and
- eSubmission
- Syllabus
to this course (click on link in our navigation bar).
- Related
topic links (see Discussion at
bottom) for the bulletin board.
- Textbook: Photography by Horenstein
- chapter 2; pages 29-36
- chapter 3; pages 43-54
- chapter 4; pages 57-66
- Online:
Memorability Formula; aka, why will I
remember your photography?
- Online:
– This Power Point slide show link outlines some basics from
Horenstein’s textbook to accommodate the lag time you may have
obtaining your copy of the textbook but do get your copy as soon as
possible or you may have difficulty with some quizzes. Note: Depending
on your browser and operating system in your computer, some text may
appear garbled.
- The
weekly lecture: 01Lecture
(immediately below this link in Week One).
- Take
the SampleQuiz (not graded) - to gain quiz-taking
experience through WebCT; available
between Tues., 6/18 at 6am thru Fri., 6/21 at
- Take QUIZ #1
(graded) on readings - available between from Fri., 6/21 at
10am until Mon. 6/24 at noon. You
can take this first quiz up to 3 times this week and only your
highest grade will be put into the grade book.
- Chairs - Subjective vs. Objective (click the blue hypertext link for
more information).
- Due: Monday, June 24th by
- Click
on this HowTo.htm file, print it out as a hard copy and save it as a reference for
uploading your images through the Assignment WebCT tool.
- Click
on this sample.htm file to see what a completed Microsoft Word
text file should look like when done.
Weekly Bulletin Board
Discussions are mandatory. The two
topics this week are:
Post your responses on
the following topic: Discuss the difference between Appropriation in the
Arts vs. Plagiarism. Offer examples
of both through your comments.
Go to the Syllabus (click the link for it on our WebCT navigation bar).
Under its navigation bar
click on Policies and Conduct and then select Honesty at the top
of the menu bar (or scroll down to the Honesty section).
3. If you are unfamiliar with the word appropriation, look it up through the internet in a search engine
like Google (http://www.google.com/); try
entering appropriation + art or Jeff Koons + appropriation.
Media Literacy
Read this link: What is Media
i. Discuss any widely published image and the
contribution the photographers point of view played in delivering an emotional
response to the readers. This
image should be memorable to all of us like the fireman rushing away from the
Oklahoma bombing with a small injured baby in his arms.
Related links: The Beauty
i. Discuss photography’s contribution ( and
responsibility?) to the development of self-image in young girls and boys.