WEB AUTHORING. MAT 108 | Alejandra Jarabo |
Web design. |
The user's avatars organize this page full of content and links. Notice how the text is organized with 2 colors and different fonts to differenciate the name of the nimation from the description. at a first glympe, the pattern makes the page interesting (an the add too, I know, I saw it).
The main sections contain icon-drawings and the site-logo has a dominant space on the header. The page, although it hosts a lot of information, is image driven. |
http://www.newgrounds.com | ||
This is a broing, corporate page. There is very little negative space and it is not working towards any visally appealing efect.
I personally want to focus on the colums with images. The captions under each image are helping visually because they create a change of pace (a rythm or pattern of image/caption/space).
Introducing images with no background (4rth up tp down) can help changing the shape of the visual space. |
http://www.think3.com | ||
Colorful navigation using color-coding. Images form clusters to better work on negative space.
Good work with typography, headers are organized visually (see the site's logo and the sign "the perfect touch". |
http://www.shutterfly.com |