Part 1 of the assignment: You did not add a couple of phrases briefly explaining why the graphic/ diagram is exemplifying that principle.

Part 1 of the assignment: In some cases you did not add 2 examples per principle.

Part 1 of the assignment: In every case you did not add 2 examples per principle.<br>

Part 1 of the assignment: the examples you chose are very similar to the ones used in my website.


Part 2 of the assignment: The explanation of the principles working in your examples was not complete.


Part 2 of the assignment: was not completed.


The file is not opening. We see two different file extensions. Please resubmit it ASAP.


Discussion 5

You could add that the principle of similarity is used all over the page (the vertical navigation on the left side uses identical blocks, same for the horizontal row of pictures).

Grouping is also used (the horizontal row of square pictures).

The principal of figure and background is used in most successful pages by creating a background (negative space) that breaks the symmetrical structure.