Make a post answering the following questions:
(include the numbers in your answers)

If you have to do some search, add the link to your source.


1. Vector based programs store Graphics created with their native tools as mathematical formulas. What type of information can you store in a native vector-based file?

2. Which is the screen resolution of your computer at home, and at work ( if you do).

3. What do you know about 8 bit/ 16 bit/ 24bit/ 32 bit displays? (This question might be a bit advanced for you but you can always search it over the web)

I give you a hint: Gif files are 8 bit, and can store up to 256 colors.



As a way to introduce yourself to the work of Gestalt, do some websearch and post a brief explanation on what is, what does it study, when did it take place the findings of the Gestalt school.

I am not interested on facts and bla bla bla, so don't copy/paste from the web.
I want a couple of 2-4 lines paragraphs where you state what you have extracted from your findings.
Simple is better.


At the end of the post write down the link to your source of information.
Writing down the link to the source is putting together an online-biblioraphy.

Be aware that Gestalt psychology is a big field, and we will be working on Visual perception (how we see/ understand things graphic material).



Make a post talking about each one of the following topics:
(include the numbers in your answers. You can attach small images to your post)

1. A bitmap is a graphic file whose information is stored as a grid of pixels.

2. The resolution of a screen is always 72 dpi (Do you understand the difference between printing resolution and screen resolution?)

3. Flash files tend to be small because it saves the graphic information in a vector format.

4. DV resolution is 720X480 pixels, but full screen digital video is 640 X 480 pixels.

5. An mp3 is a very size-efficient sound file format.