These are the Instructions for the Fifteen module of this course:


There is no reading assigned to this week.
You should have been able to choose one of them already, that will become the subject matter for your final Presentation.

The Final Presentation is due on Finals week.
Check the discussion board for updates.

The theme of the presentation is an author of your choice from the course reader, so every project should belong to the field of Media Studies.
You might choose a reading that you have already used for a presentation, if you approach the presentation from a different point of view.

From time to time I keep getting assignment-presentations that have nothing to do with the material of this class: they usually deal with graphic design/visual issues or personal considerations on the theme of a reading.
There is a final line about the validity of presenting your personal ideas. It can be approached if you used academic rigor and position your thoughts contrasted with authorities in the Field.

Remember: if the presentation is dedicated to an author, you should present the author's ideas first, then you can add your personal thoughts or interpretations, but both parts should be clearly divided.

If you have a question about your theme for the final, please send me an email about it this week.

The presentation will be accepted in a Powerpoint format, as an html site, as a flash movie or a quicktime.
The ideas should be presented through the interaction of images and phrases.
The minimum length is 13 slides for a powerpoint presentation.
Keep an eye on the file-size. If it turns out to be too big, you can upload it to the WEB folder in your account in Xythos.

Make your post in the Forum Getting ready for the final presentation and review the reader for this semester.