These are the Instructions for the Fourteenth module of this course:


There is no reading assigned to this week but you should check the pages dedicated to html in your help-site.


There is an extra credit assignment attached to this module.

You can place your mini-site assignment in Xythos.

In order to place it there, it has to be in HTML format.
Those of you that made jpegs for the assignment, cam place them straight ahead inside an html document.

Remember that: file names for images should not have spaces. Names of html files should not contain spaces.
The name of your folder (root folder) should not contain spaces or special characters either.
because of how Xythos copies files, you will have to create a folder AND tHEN import your files into it.

Make sure your folder is placed inside the folder called WEB.


Here is the tutorial for uploading files into Xythos:

If you do the extra assignment an place your site in the Xythos server, you should send me the link to your first html page, so I can check it out.
I cannot see your work if you don't send me the link to it.

There is no discussion assigned to this module.