These are the Instructions for the Thirteenth module of this course:


Complete the reading assigned to this week:

Reading n 7, "Hamlet on the Holodeck", by Janet H. Murray.

Janet Murray is a very interesting author. Her specialty is XIX century English literature, but she taught at MIT and got involved there with new technologies.
She works around the possibilities of narrative in the cyber age and considers interactivity as one of the keys of the new narrative.
Her analysis of the Holonovel in Star trek, is full of depth and humanism.
I also like her portrait of "the dangers of new technologies" through literature, in the nineteen (XIX) and twenty (XX) century.

You have to consider here the quick and disruptive changes that "progress" (perpetrated by technologies) has imposed on humans in the last 2 centuries. It is only natural that literature would portrait a social resistance to all this change. It is incredibly interesting to see the 2 opposite and both unrealistic takes of this reaction.
You will understand with Murray's text that the possibility of "a moral decision" is what seems to be at risk. This has a deep relation to the current debate about "the benefits and dangers of Gaming" as an entertainment possibility. Entertainment is a socially dangerous area because moral rules tend to relax during the process, that is what makes it pleasurable.


There is no mandatory assignment attached to this module.
If you haven't completed the 3 web page assignment from module 12 please do.

Make your post in the Forum Post on Janet Murray.