These are the Instructions for the Twelfth module of this course:


Complete the reading assigned to this week:

Reading n 5, The Work of Art in the Age of its Technological Reproducibility, by Walter Benjamin.

This week we will finish the essay by reading chapter VII to xIV. Those are pages 5 to 10.


To see student work on the subject,

On the second half of the essay Benjamin analyzes Film as a medium.
The importance of this analysis is what makes this text be a mandatory reading in most film Schools (UCLA, USC...)


Complete the assignment assigned to this module: 3 page html presentation /Photoshop mock-up of the 3 pages / 5 page powerpoint.

You should make a mini-site (or a design mock-up of it).
If you don't know any html software nor Photoshop, you can put together a Powerpoint presentation.

Theme: Walter Benjamin's work or your view of Photography/ Film as a social construction (How they are important at a social level).
You will have to synthesize a lot to fit content on 3 pages. That doesn't mean the content should be shallow or irrelevant.
Balance out images and text, to get a true piece of Multimedia.
Put in practice what we have been seeing about web page-design, Navigation placement and color use.

This is not a practical web class, so I am not demanding a complicated layout.
In fact, you should keep things clean and simple.
I will grade the basic layout and navigation bar, from a technical perspective. The content and image/text distribution, from a conceptual point of view.

Make your post in the Forum Post on Walter Benjamin 2.