These are the Instructions for the Eleventh module of this course:


Complete the reading assigned to this week:

Reading n 5, "The Work of Art in the Age of its Technological Reproducibility", by Walter Benjamin.

This week we will read chapter I to VII. Those are pages 1 to 4 (I did the paging by hand, lower right corner).

Notice that Walter Benjamin writes from the frame of Marxist theory.
To understand him, you might have to do some research on Marx's critic of capitalism, just to understand the references.

This is a mandatory reading in Film-School bachelorian programs because of the transcendence of Benjamin's ideas on Photography, Film and the Art of postindustrial societies. You will be introduced to the polemic and interesting notion of "aura" of a work of art and the no less interesting subject of Film as a cultural revolutionary tool.

To see some graphic work on the subject, see the Powerpoint presentations linked to this page:


Complete the assignment assigned to this module: Multimedia Job description.

First: Do a search on different jobs in Multimedia, find ONE job that you might be interested in.
Once you decide the job that you are going to search for, find as much information about it as you can.

I recommend going to places like or craigslist (in different cities)
Pretend you are looking for the job. Do not serach only for interships.

You will need to include the information of three job-posts to get an idea of what is the job about, how much they are paying, what type of contracts are they asking for...

Here is a page where I have analyzed and selected posts of several jobs within the field of Multimedia, like:

Graphic designer, printing.
Graphic designer, User interface (for web, DVDs, Interactive TV).
Graphic design, Web designers.
Web developers.
Web, Iphone aplication developer.
Game design, 2D and 3D artists.
Game design, prototypers and level designers.


Write a report with the result of your search.
I want you to present what you have discovered in a clear way.
The post information should be included, not only the link to it (the link might not work anymore by the time I correct the assignment). It should be graphically separated from your conclusions and analysis.

If you don't find posts that include specific salary information, tyou should do a search about salaries for that job in the state of California, so you have some type of data to work with in your report.


Make your post in the Forum Post on Walter Benjamin.