These are the Instructions for the Ninth module of this course:


We are going to be investigating on issues around Web Design.
We will become familar with basic tems and concepts around web design that will facilitate a more professional process next time we need to build a site.

Read this page on Web-layout and complement if needed with a search for major terms over the web:


Complete this module's assignment for this class.

You will have to create a color-palette for an imaginary site as an assignment for this module.

Before you begin the task, refresh your memory on what is an hexadecimal value (to define web-colors),

Do a little search on the importance of using a color palette for your site.
you can also check this page:

When working on a color palette you can find a picture that defines the color-mood for your site and extract some colors from it in Photoshop to come up with a series of Harmonic colors or you can work backwards: Define some HUES in a color palette application and let the application create a harmonic family of colors around those hues. The objective in both methods is to find a combination of subttle colors that can translate a visual mood for a site.

This is an interesting engine that can assist you designing a color palette.
Play with the interactive interface: it can create a group of colors that are harmonic, using different color- principles: mono-hue (mono), complementary colors (complement), 3 colors being 2 adjacent in the color wheel and the other complementary (triad), 4 colors (tetrad), scheme of adjacent colors (analogic) and a mix of adjaccent and complementary (accented analogic).

Your choice on the left of the interface will generate a "fake rectangular page" on the right where to see the colors combined.Click on "light page" or "Dark page" to see a sample of how those colors could work on a page designed. You can select the colors that will integrate your color-palette and obtain the hexadecimal value by rolling over the block colors on the upper-right side of the page.


Great movie on color theory:

As you might know, in painting and traditional color theory we use an ADDITIVE color palette, Red, Blue and Yellow being the primary colors.
When working for PRINT those will be replaced by slightly different tones: Magenta, Cian and Yellow, that will still work by "adding" one color to another to create different shades. The combination of all of them produce black.
In video lighting and screen color (colors seen through light) we use a SUBSTRACTIVE palette, with Red, Green and Blue as the basic light colors that combine all others and produce white light in combination.


Your color palette assignment

In this week's assignment I have asked you to import a picture to Photoshop and select colors from it with the eye-dropper. Using a color-scheme engine is an alternative to this. The important thing is that you end with 4-7 color values that will chromatically define your site.

In Photoshop you will create squares (marquee tool) and fill them with each one of the falues (with square selected fo File< Fill).
You will also write down the hexadecimal number underneath the colored square (Type tool).

Then you will create a bigger rectangle with one of the colors (in a new layer), smaller rectangles for text blocks or navigation bars on separate layers and text for the navigation items and the bulk text. You will do this 3 different times for each one of the color-mock ups.
(I advice you place all your layers for the fist mock-up inside a folder in photoshop _layers window_. Then duplicate the folder and modify elements for the second mock-up. Rename folder. Duplicate again a folder to create the third mock-up. Alter colors again)
Type font, size and color are important parts of the design. Try to make each page-mock up look different by playing with colors.

If you worked with a picture to obtain your colors, include the picture in the mock-ups.

You can submit a photoshop file (.psd) or a JPEG.


Assignment specifications:


Links to free training movies on Basic Photoshop skills (I am linking to old versions of the software because it is more likely to find free movies at

Working with layers, Link to the whole volume
Selecting portions of artwork,

Typing in Photoshop: point type,

Color for designers. If your have a subscription to ($25 a month) the first chapter has videos on how to use KULER: Adobe's tool to create color palettes.

Using the free transform for scaling, rotating or skewing.

Complete tour of Photoshop interface,

Make your post in the Forum Web Layout 1.