These are the Instructions for the Fifth module of this course:


Complete the reading assigned to this week:

Reading n 6. Art and Visual Perception, a psychology of the creative eye. By Rudolph Arnheim. Chapter "Shape", pages 69 to 75.

Notice again that the reading begins half through the chapter.
Try to understand the graphics and look for the text that corresponds to it.
The beginning of your reading contains a very good definition of Visual perception according to the Gestalt School followed by an interesting test on visual retention (page 65 of the book, p 2 in your photocopies).
Make sure you go through the part that explains the visual appealing of rectangles following the proportion of the golden section.


Consult again my examples at my interactive chart on Gestalt principlest:


Make your post in the Forum on Gestalt, second part.

Complete the assignment on Gestalt principles of Perception.

You can build your assignment either in PowerPoint (pptx), in Word (doc) or build it in InDesign and save it as a pdf.
Keep an eye on the file-size of the images you are using so your final document file is less than 20MB.
You may want to zip your assignment-file.

Part I.
1) You will illustrate each one of the 9 selected principles (Figure and background/ Grouping/ Proximity/ Similarity/ Continuity/ Closure/ Leveling and Sharpening/ Surrounding/ Third dimension) with 2 graphic examples for each principle.
Name each/page slide with the name of the Principle (ex: “Grouping” or “Grouping 1” and “Grouping 2”…)
You can find graphics on websites dealing with this subject matter or draw them in Photoshop and save each one as a jpeg
(Drawing in this case can be quite difficult, since you will have to work with extremely simple motifs to be able to exemplify only 1 principle per drawing).

2) Add a couple of phrases briefly explaining why each graphic/ diagram is exemplifying that principle.

Part II.
Find 3 images of great impact ( from Art, Graphic Design, Advertising..) and explain which principles of Visual Perception are being used to structure the image on each case.
Build a brief explanation with a couple of paragraphs for each image. Notice that images tend to use several principles to organize its reading.