These are the Instructions for the Fourth module of this course:


Complete the reading assigned to this week:

Reading n 6. Art and Visual Perception, a psychology of the creative eye. By Rudolph Arnheim. Chapter "Form", pages 108 to 129.

Notice that the reading begins half through the chapter.
Try to understand the graphics and look for the text that corresponds to it.
The chapter called "Form" deals with ways of representing concepts in the world of Art and tries to analyze both the thought behind the representation and the way the audience perceives it.


Consult my interactive chart on Gestalt principles located at:

Click on each one of the red-section buttons. Notice the upper-right navigation. Some sections have 3 to 5 pages


Make your post in the Forum Post on Gestalt and Visual Perception.

This module does not have an assignment, but in preparation for next week you should begin looking for illustrations, graphics and logos that can represent the main Gestalt principles of Visual Perception.
The Nine Gestalt principles of Visual Perception considered in this course are:
Figure and background/Grouping/Proximity/Similarity/ Continuity/ Closure/ leveling and Sharpening/ Surrounding/ Third dimension

Next week you will have to illustrate each one of the principles with images founded over the internet.


Complete the quiz for module 4 on Gestalt Principles.