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Walter benjamin's essay is a classic in Art and Media studies.
Although was written on the first half of the Twenty century, it still hasn't been outdated. His ideas are still original and incredibly accurate.


Make a post answering to those questions:

1. What is "the aura" of the original work of Art?
Give me an example and explain how the aura works in the specific case.

2. On page IV of the essay Benjamin presents a really interesting thesis: The Basis of the contemporary decay of Aura is, according to him, related to the attitude of the masses towards things. They "want to brings things closer" and at the same time "reject things that are really unique".

Can you give examples of both parts of the equation with a short comment?

Those are my examples. For "breaking the distance", reality shows and soap operas.
For "rejecting the uniqueness", burger king, McDonalds, fashion brands.


3. Benjamin considers the Film medium as a Marxist revolutionary tool (something that will change how society is organized).
That might sound to you a bit excessive but the quote he collects from Abel Gance, stating that one day, legends, mythologies, historical heroes and founders of religions will be known through film has become strangely true.

Usually, old educated people find this fact as a sign of the "degeneration of Values" (that was exactly Benjamin's point).
Try to be a bit more creative: What good or not necessarily negative consequences could this have in the close future?