These are the Instructions for the Twelfth module of this course:


Complete the reading assigned to this week:

Reading n 5, The Work of Art in the Age of its Technological Reproducibility, by Walter Benjamin.

This week we will finish the essay by reading chapter VII to xIV. Those are pages 5 to 10.


To see student work on the subject,

On the second half of the essay Benjamin analyzes Film as a medium.
The importance of this analysis is what makes this text be a mandatory reading in most film Schools (UCLA, USC...)


Complete the assignment assigned to this module: A_ 2 web pages in html_

This is a short assignment where we will practize again slicing web pages in Photoshop.

This time you will slice and save 2 different html pages, including the links from one page to the other.

To make sure that the position of the navigation elements are exactly the same we usually export the 2 different pages fro the same photoshop file, in which we activate the layers with the speciicf content for each page.

Make your post in the Forum Post on Walter Benjamin 2.