These are the Instructions for the Twelfth module of this course:


Complete the reading assigned to this week:

Reading n 5, The Work of Art in the Age of its Technological Reproducibility, by Walter Benjamin.

This week we will finish the essay by reading chapter VII to xIV. Those are pages 5 to 10.


To see student work on the subject,

On the second half of the essay Benjamin analyzes Film as a medium.
The importance of this analysis is what makes this text be a mandatory reading in most film Schools (UCLA, USC...)


Complete the assignment assigned to this module: A_ Mini-site.

You will be designing a WEB SITE with at least 3 pages. You will be designing both the content and the look.

Since not everybody can use Photoshop and Dreamweaver, you can also design what your pages would look like with Powerpoint but remember that you are designing a web site, not a powerpoint presentation.

3 page html presentation /or Photoshop mock-up of the 3 pages / 3 page powerpoint one web page on each slide.

Site theme: Walter Benjamin's view of Photography/ or Film as a social construction (How they are important at a social level).
You can also include your thoughts on the theme, as one of the pages.

You will have to synthesize a lot to fit content on 3 pages. That doesn't mean the content should be shallow or irrelevant.
Balance out images and text, to get a true piece of Multimedia.
Put in practice what we have been seeing about web page-design: use of negative space, use of a constricted color palette, consistent placementof and dominant position the navigation bar. Images and captioning. Bulk text in a sans serif font in a smaller size that the section names.

This is not a practical web class, so I am not demanding a complicated layout.
In fact, you should keep things clean and simple.
I will grade the basic layout and navigation bar, from a technical perspective. The content and image/text distribution, from a conceptual point of view according to how you have developed the theme..

Make your post in the Forum Post on Walter Benjamin 2.