These are the Instructions for the Eleventh module of this course:


Complete the reading assigned to this week:

Reading n8 in the new reader: "The Work of Art in the Age of mechanical Reproducion", by Walter Benjamin.
Pages 1 to 4 (I did the paging by hand, lower right corner). We will cover the rest next week.

To see some graphic work on the subject, see the Powerpoint presentations linked to this page:

Notice that Walter Benjamin writes from the frame of Marxist theory.
To understand him, you might have to do some research on Marx's critic of capitalism, just to understand basic terminology and references.

It is usually difficult for students to understand that as a Marxist (and in spite of his admiration for the Arts) he could not support the idea of Art produced for the elites and that extends religion institutions, monarcs or aristocracy as patrons and inspirees of Art. "Technologically reproduced art" represented for him the opportunity to democratize Art, even if it became something else. Beware of his romantic description of AURA, because he despised it as a marxist. Put an effort to understand the benefits of art expression "lacking Aura" because it meant lacking tradition and influence of a certain system of social order that ensured inequality.

Carl Marx is one of the most influencial philosophers of the XX century, and you should not identify him with a Communist political system, he lived and wrote before that period. He had an intense co-existing experience with the working class is suburbian England that we can only imagine form may be a clip from "Le Misserables". He produced a keen an insightful observation of the repercussions of moving from the country-side to a city to work as a non-specialized daily labor and the fact that there were thousands of those workers for every factory owner. His sense of empathy did not affect the rigor and originality of this thinking.


Complete the assignment assigned to this module: Multimedia Job description.

First: Do a search on different jobs in Multimedia, find ONE job you might be interested in.
Once you decide the job that you are going to search for, find as much information about it as you can because you will have to begin with a complete description.

I recommend going to places like or craigslist (in different cities)
Pretend you are looking for the job.

You will need to find two or three job-posts to get an idea of what is the job about and how much they are paying. Pay attention to see if you are covering the progression of that type of job through time (as a beginner, intermediate and senoir job).

Write a report with the result of your search. Structure according to the assignment description.
Please add the short info required as a header for each post and add ALL the info form the post later (if you only add the link the post might not exist when I correct the assignment).

Formating and structuring content is important in this assignment: Use color for headers, change the font-size of the post-text to reduce the extension...
Remember that you need to write your own analysis, comments and conclusions as the final part of the report. Prove that you understood the posts and have thought about the job.


Make your post in the Forum Post on Walter Benjamin.