These are the Instructions for the Second module of this course:


Download and read the file "2_Graphic_concepts.doc"
It is a handout in Word format (click on the file name to download).
It contains information about fundamental issues in Computer Graphics.

There is also a help page about File resolution for bitmaps in Photoshop.
It contains important info if you don't know how to resize an image (you will need to do that for the first assignment, on week 3).

Watch this interesting video from on using the "File> Image size dialog window" in Photoshop.
Concepts: Resize versus _Right hand,Up-sampling (making an image bigger than it was: highly discouraged in Multimedia),versus Down-sampling or making an image smaller by throwing away pixels of information.
From Photoshop CS6 Fundamentals

You should also watch the movie en Image Size, and the one on Downsampling for Print in that volume

On the second post, you will inform yourself about the "Right and Left side of the brain theory" according to author Daniel Pink. This is the page I built around the concept, it contains a number of links:


Photoshop-technique videos:
(from "Mastering selections with Photoshop CC"). Remember that to see a video, you first have to click on the icon in pipeline,under Resources.

How to use the Lasso tool to select:

How to use the Free Transform Mode (Commnad_T/ Control_T. OR Edit> Free Transform)

How to make a selection using the Magic wand tool,

3 How improve a selection with the Refine tool,
Quick-select+ Refine

Review the help page for module 2.

Make your post in the Forum Post on Graphic concepts (create message).
To answer the questions in discussion 2, you will have to do some web-research.

As a way of keeping track of your sources of information, I am going to ask you to incorporate the URLs of your web-sources into your posts,
(by giving the link to the page where you founded the info; this way we all benefit from the findings).

Make your post in the Forum Intro to Gestalt following the guidelines.


Reading ahead. On week 4 we will work on Gestalt principles as a way of organize visual perception.

You should begin taking a look at text 9 of your Reader, which has been taken from the book "Art and Visual perception, the psychology of the creative eye", by Rudolph Arnheim.
To push this Immersion into the world of Gestalt I have prepared an special discussion board about it. Do some web search to find the answers.

I talked about Marshall McLuhan last week. He is probably the maximum authority in Media analysis of the twenty century, and quite a character himself.
The midterm will be a presentation on Marshall McLuhan's ideas. Doing some research on the author could help you get familiar with his thoughts. The MIT intro to his book "Understanding Media,the extensions of Man" is the first text in your reader.