Here you will find some help and links to pages that will help you understand the material for module 2.

General concepts on Computer graphics, focused on Web Graphics.


This is a simple but interesting page that will help you expand the way you define Color when working on Computer graphics. It uses the old CS6 color picker in Photoshop:



Color in monitor-displays is represented as a combination of the 3 Additive colors: Red, Green and Blue.
(RGB signal)
Notice how "True Color" is represented by 24 bit per pixel, with an 8 bit range (256 values) for each one of the 3 components.
The new 48 bit mode represents 48 bits per pixel, each one of the 3 components (R,G, and B) being repressented with 16 bits, what can delivera range of 65536 different tones.

Notice that screen resolution applies both to a screen and toi an indivisual graphic file.



Screen resolution versus Printing resolution (dots per inch: dpi)

Considering the resolution (size) of page-design for web:
Notice that web pages don't have an absolute size: The browser window can be resized by the user.

Also, a given design, let's say of 800X600 pixels, would look kind of small in a monitor that displays 1280 X 1024 pixels, but barely fitting in an old small monitor, that displays 800 X 600 pixels. You have to consider that a screen has to display the upper bar for the system-Menus (upper and lower in a PC), then the Upper and lower bars for the browser, being the browaer menu bar customizable it could vary in height depending on the user choices. We tend to design a page in a common lower denominator and then designing a background color, design or pattern to fill the browser window of users with a bigger area.

Chart of resolution standards for digital video



Color depth applies to graphic files (how many different colors a graphic file can store) and also to displays

(how many colors a graphic display can present, independent of the file.


A web-safe color palette might sound to you like a Jurassic park concept since most computer-monitors can already display millions of colors.

Think about all the other electronic screens or monitors. many of then can only portrait very limited amounts of colors, this is why the principle of a web-safe palette is important again.