Module 2. Post on Graphic Concepts

Please check the right complete answers below.
Those are very long answers, but you will get a complete picture if you were confused about some of them.

1. Vector based programs store Graphics created with their native tools as mathematical formulas.
What type of information can you store in a native vector-based file?

You can store technical illustrations that use points, lines, curves, shapes, and fill colors to describe the image. They can therefore be represented at arbitrary resolution without loss of detail.

2. Can you list 3 names of vector-based software?

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Flash
Macromedia Freehand
Corel Draw graphics suite
Photoshop has SOME vector based tools, but it is clearly a bitmap based software.

3. Which is the screen resolution of your computer at home, and at work (if you do have a computer at work).

4. What do you know about 8 bit/ 16 bit/ 24bit/ 32 bit displays?

Color depth is the term used to define the color range of a computer. This indicates the total number of colors the screen can display.
Some common screen color depths 8-bit (256 colors), 16-bit (65,536 colors) and 24-bit (16.7 million colors).

Computer screens have very good displays nowadays.
True color (or 24-bit color) is the most commonly used mode, and 32-bit can use around 4 billion different colors.

We can also talk about the color depth of a Graphic file. Gifs use 8 bit images as an strategy to save on file-size. That is why GIFs can use up to 256 colors.
Most RGB files are 24 bits, assigning an 8 bit channel for each one of the basic colors. 32-bit color-files use 24 bits per pixel to represent the image, plus an additional eight bits for an alpha channel.
Alpha channels work as an'stencil or mask channel, storing graphic info on what areas to mask and what areas to consider as transparent.