GDP113 - Two-page Spread Magazine Layout Using Grids

Instructions and What to include for Grading and Evaluation

• Create a 2-page spread
• Design a creative layout using 2 or 3 columns
• Choosing appropriate font, pointsize, line spacing, column width
• Ceate one layout using 2 different alignments
• Noticing the difference the alignment makes

In this assignment you will do a 2 page magazine layout using a grid. You will format the text and include a creative headline. You will then modify the same layout using a different alignment. The layouts will be utilizing fonts only and NO images. NOTE: 2 facing pages are called a "spread".

Open the link to access the text for this assignment. Pay attention to the hierarchy and alignment of the text in your design. Notice how long the body text is.

There are some design specifications to meet. These specifications are provided below.

Document Size:
Orientation: portrait
Page Size: 8.5” x 11”
# pages: 4 total (2 facing page spreads)

You will NOT use any images in the layout. Think of the headline as a graphic. You may also use rules and areas of color. Do NOT use colored text for the body unless it is VERY dark.


Grading and Evaluation

Headline and subhead design

15 points

Creative use of grid (using 2 or 3 columns with variation of text placement within the grid)

15 points

Overall type design including use of hyphens, formatting of text, type styles and readability

25 points

Followed assignment directions:
- 2 spreads (facing pages) in PDF
- One layout using justified alignment with hyphens
- One layout using aligned left without hyphens
- Same grid layout in both final spreads
- Correct spelling
- Grid lines in PDF

5 points
10 points
10 points
5 points
5 points
10 points





Instructions for your Indesign layout:

• Design a layout that utilizes either a 2 column or 3 column grid.
Utilize the SAME grid and layout for two spreads.
Pay close attention to the layout and the formatting of the headline, text and subheads including use of paragraph spacing or indents, the design of the page, position of the headline, pullout quotes, letter and word spacing, etc.

- One layout will have justified alignment and hyphens. Make sure to manually adjust kerning and word spacing in the justified text to avoid bad "rivers" or white spaces. Click here for a tutorial on setting up automatic hyphenation. You can turn on hyphenation in Indesign choosing "Hyphenation" from the Paragraph panel menu and making sure the "hyphenate" box is checked.

- One layout will have left alignment and no hyphens. (See type bible for rules on hypehnation usage).


Create a new document 8.5 x 11 with margins to be determined by layout. CHECK Facing Pages in the new document window.

• Open the Page Panel and add pages so you have a two page spread (see links in Week#07 Activities page). Note that page 1 will NOT have a facing page so leave it blank and start your work on pages 2 and 3.
Using the Page Palette
How to remove page#1 in a 2-page spread
Another tutorial on how to remove page #1

Set up grid guides in Master Pages by dragging the guides into the document from the rulers. Use THE SAME gutter width between each column. 1.5 to 2 picas is recommended.The grid lines placed in Master Pages will appear on every page in the document that you have applied the master to
Tutorial using Master Pages (Note that it is the same in CS6 and CC).
Video Tutorial: How to set up Master Pages

• Place(command+D) or copy and paste the text from the Word document into text boxes on pages 2 and 3. You will need to create separate text boxes and flow the text from one text box to another. To do so:

- Place the text in the first text box
- Click in the red overflow box at the bottom right of the box with the open arrow tool and then click in the next text box column. These boxes are now linked. Notice what happens to the text as you close the window smaller or make it bigger. The text will move from one column to the other because they are linked.

1. Format the text to be justified alignment with last line aligned left and using hyphens.

You will choose font, line spacing and point size to fit comfortably within each column of the grid. Be aware of the point size of the type in relationship to the column width. Use the same font size, leading and paragraph formatting throughout the body text. To format paragraphs:

1. Select text.
2. In the Paragraph panel or the Control panel, adjust the appropriate values for Space Before and Space After or Indent.

Tutorial Working with Character Styles
tutorial Formatting text in Indesign

Paragraph Formatting

Do not use more than TWO different font families for your design. Also remember to use only ONE serif font family and ONE San Serif font family in your design. After you have flowed the text begin to format paragraphs in the Paragraph palette. You may also use the Paragraph Styles panel to create styles.

DO NOT use more than one hyphen every 5 lines and set hyphenation at 3 letters before the word break and 3 letters for after. (If a word has less than 6 letters that means it cannot be hyphenated and will go to the next line automatically. If you want it to stay on the previous line try adjusting kerning or tracking to be tighter).

Use the formatting to create a well designed layout looking at the following:
- a readable point size
- line spacing (A readable type size and leading would be 11/13. 12 point may be too large and not leave enough negative space on the page).
- space after paragraphs or indent
- drop caps (optional) - Only use 1 drop cap at the beginning of a section or story.
- rules (optional)
- frames (optional) - Do not stroke the boxes that have type in them. If you do have text in a colored box make sure the text is inset with adequate white space around it.
- consistent, evenly spaced letters and words
- consistent spacing between paragraphs OR indents

In the pages panel drag page 2 over the page icon at the bottom of the page panel to duplicate it. Repeat with page 3. You should now have 2 new facing pages on pages 4 and 5 with everything on them that is on pages 2 and 3.

2. Change ONLY the formatting of the text to left alignment and NO hyphens.

Make sure to PROOF your work carefully. There are typos in the provided text that you must fix. You do not want any typos or bad line breaks. Make sure the line, letter and word spacing is consistent.

Save the Indesign file and EXPORT to Multiple page PDF in "high quality" format as "spreads" with "visible guides".