
Linda's Suggestions for

Free Software to Enhance Your Online Course


File Compression Utilities

Most image files are too big for emailing successfully.  This free software utility zips up your files to a compressed (smaller) size for emailing.  The recipient must also have the software to unzip your files at the other end.

WinZip You will need this for our class (for PC users).

PC users: send or received compressed files over email.

WinZip Tutorial

Learn how to use the WinZip.

ZipIt You will need this for our class (for Mac users)

         Mac users: send or received compressed files over email.

ZipIt FAQs

         Frequently asked questions about this utility. 


This is the Mac answer to sending and receiving large files over email.

StuffIt Explained


Picture Viewer and Digital Image Manager

This software might come in handy, especially if you donÕt have a later version of Adobe Photoshop (version 6.0 or higher).   Both PC and Mac compatible.


         ACDSee is an award-winning picture viewer, graphic converter and digital image management tool. The latest version of this digital photo software, ACDSee 4.0, gives you intuitive, professional-quality imaging tools to acquire, view, organize, enhance, print and share your images on the Internet quickly.


Sound Utility

I will on occasion attach recorded voice messages as I critique your work.  This software allows you to record and playback these messages.  It is easy to use, FREE and both Mac and PC compatible.

PureVoiceª Voice Recording Technology You will need this for our class

Record or listen to Exceptional Voice Quality sound files with this FREE software from the makers of Eudora.

Superior Compression for Unprecedented Voice Throughput (translation: it's FAST!).



Good sites for freeware and shareware, photo equipment, software, industry magazines, etc.

TuCows. One of my favorite places to look first for software.

ZDNet also offers a list of amazing & free downloadable utilities and software.

MySimon.Com is an excellent site for researching digital cameras and computer stuff and comparison pricing.

B&H Camera is a great place for any photo and video equipment.

Shutterbug Magazine is the best amateur photo magazine for used equipment and also has photo articles.

PDN Magazine is the best professional magazine.  Based in NYC, its articles update the commercial scene monthly.  Beautiful photography!

CA Magazine (Communication Arts) is the best graphic art, illustration, design and photography high-end periodical.  It is an expensive quarterly publication, exquisitely reproduced, that also serves as a job bank. is the best search engine to find anything on the internet.


File Transfer Utilities

Here are some FREE utilities for transferring files to a server or website.  This is for advanced users with existing web pages.  FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.


FTP software for the PC user. Use this software to transfer your files to a web server.

WS FTP Tutorial #1 or WS FTP Tutorial #2

Learn how to use the WS FTP.


FTP software for the Mac user. Use this software to transfer your files to a web server.

Fetch Tutorial