Main List


нннн Access: A database program from Microsoft
нннн Acrobat: A program from Adobe that reads or creates documents where the formatting remains the same regardless of how it is viewed or where it is displayed
нннн Active Server Pages: A technology that allows client side scripting and connectivity to databases on Windows NT Web Servers
нннн Active X: A Microsoft standard for creating new form elements on web pages
нннн Adobe: A company that specializes in graphics
нннн Applet: A small program usually written in Java, that is run from within a browser
нннн AVI: A standard format for video on Windows machines


нннн Backbone: The central pathway for data in a network
нннн Bandwidth: The capacity of a network to transmit data over a particular connection at a particular time, based on the weakest connection
нннн Browser: A software program that retrieves and displays Internet documents


нннн CERN: The facility where the World Wide Web was started
нннн CGI: A protocol that allows server-side scripting on web servers
нннн Chat: A form of communication that is public and happens in real time
нннн Click-through: An occurrence of someone clicking on a banner ad to go to a web page
нннн Client: The recipient of services on a network
нннн Communicator: Netscape's software package for browsing, creating web pages and other tasks.
нннн Cookies: Files on the client's hard drive that hold information about the user's preference for use by the web page the next time the user visits it.


нннн Database: A storage mechanism for related data
нннн Dedicated Line: A separate communications line that provides 24 hour connection to a network
нннн Dial-up Connection: A temporary connection to a network using a modem and a phone line, rather than a permanent dedicated line
нннн DNS Server: A server that stores and compares requested domains and their corresponding IP addresses
нннн Domain: All the network resources that use a specific name or the name that is used to represent resources on the Internet
нннн Dynamic HTML: Any technology that adds an interactive element to an HTML page


нннн Electronic Commerce: The act of paying for products or services directly on the internet


нннн Frames: Divisions in a web page that are actually separate HTML documents
нннн Front Page: A software program that creates web pages and manages web sites
нннн FTP: A protocol for transferring document files directly to and from a server


нннн Gopher: An index of documents on the internet


нннн Hit: An occurrence of someone going to a web page
нннн HTML: The language used to create web pages
нннн HTTP: A protocol for transferring documents with hypertext (web pages)
нннн Hypertext: A type of document where words or images in the text can be clicked and linked to other documents


нннн Internet: A collection of networks that connect computers around the world
нннн Internet Explorer: Microsoft's browser
нннн Internet Information Server: Internet server software developed by Microsoft to run on Windows NT
нннн Internet Presence: The sum of all services provided by an organization and the general impression that these services give
нннн Internic: An agency that assigns domain names for resources on the Internet
нннн Intranet: A collection of resources that use Internet technologies within a company or organization
нннн IP Address: The actual numeric address for each nodes on a network
нннн ISDN: A digital connection provided by a communications company that uses fiber optics
нннн ISP: The company that provides you with access to the internet


нннн Java: A programming language from Sun Microsystems that can run on any platform
нннн JavaScript: A client-side scripting language developed by Netscape to make it easy to add features to WebPages
нннн JPEG: A format for images that supports higher quality and high compression
нннн Jscript: Microsoft's version of JavaScript


нннн Microsoft: A software company that produces the Windows operating systems and other products
нннн Mime: A standard for opening documents of different types from within e-mail or web pages
нннн MPEG: A standard for high quality multimedia on PC's


нннн Navigator: Netscape's browser
нннн Netscape: A software company that produces browsers, server software and other internet products
нннн Network: Any connection between more than one computer and other resources
нннн Newsgroup: A collection of messages posted as part of ongoing public discussions about particular interests
нннн Node: Any device attached to a network


нннн ODBC: A Microsoft standard for connecting outside programs to a database


нннн Packet Switched Network: A network based on the technology of breaking data into packets, sending them to the recipient along the best route and reassembling the packets as they arrive
нннн Page Mill: An Adobe product used to produce web pages
нннн PDF: A file format used by Adobe Acrobat
нннн Perl: A scripting language similar to the C programming language
нннн PhotoShop: An Adobe product used to edit images
нннн Plug-ins: Additions to a software program that are installed at a later date to provide more functions
нннн Portal: a web site that acts as an all purpose entry way for users by providing pages that are customized to the users needs, as well as search enjines and links to popular services
нннн PPP: A protocol for accessing the Internet
нннн Proxy Server: A server that receives requests for internet resources from within an organization and then resends the request to the Internet
нннн Push: A technology where data is collected and sent to the client rather than the client searching for and requesting the data


нннн QuickTime: An Apple Computers file format for video


нннн Real Audio/Video: Plug-ins that allow audio or video data to be played by the browser as it downloads


нннн Scripting: Using a simple programming language within an application like a browser
нннн Secure Page: A web document where data input in a form is encrypted to prevent it being seen by others
нннн Server: The provider of a service on a network, can be a computer or a software program
нннн Shockwave: A plug-in that allows multimedia functions to be accessed from a web page as the data is downloading
нннн Shopping Cart: A type of service on a web site where selections are held until the end of a session
нннн SLP: A protocol for accessing the Internet, usually from a dial-up connection
нннн SQL: A standard for making queries to a database
нннн STMP: A protocol for sending and receiving e-mail
нннн Streaming: A technology used for multimedia on web sites where the material is accessible even while it's downloading
нннн Sun Microsystems: A computer company that specializes in servers and other network based products


нннн T1: A type of direct cable connection with speeds of 1.5 million bits per second
нннн TCP/IP: The main protocol of the internet: all communication uses this protocol


нннн Unix: An operating system used mostly on servers
нннн Usenet: The network that transports most newsgroup messages


нннн VBScript: A script version of Visual basic
нннн Visual Basic: A programming language developed by Microsoft


нннн W3 Consortium: The group that manages the World Wide Web
нннн Web Page: A single HTML document
нннн Web site: A collection of related web pages usually in the same domain
нннн Webcasting: Sending content from a web site out to users
нннн Windows NT: A network operating system from Microsoft that supports web servers
нннн Winsock: A file that helps Windows use internet software
нннн World Wide Web: The collection of hypertext documents stored on servers on the internet that are linked together around the world
