Memorability Formula



Our purpose is to see ORDINARY things with EXTRAORDINARY VISION!

Why should I remember YOUR images?



Visual Interest + Concept + Emotional Response = MEMORABILITY


What you SEE plus what you FEEL impacts how we THINK  and how much we will REMEMBER.



            Created within your frame or print by subject matter, shapes, textures, etc… and they way they contrast to their surroundings and/or opposing objects.  This assemblage of graphic elements (geometry in space) becomes the DESIGN.  Visual interest is increased by CONTRASTS, like; light vs. dark; in focus vs. out of focus; large vs. small; full vs. empty; crowded vs. vacant; etc.



            Concept is the STORY created by the relationship between two or more objects (the chair and its environment….etc).  The viewer can be the second object.  You, the artist, and the viewer must be MOVED EMOTIONALLY.  LITERAL, PREDICTABLE SOLUTIONS ARE BORING.  Indifference is the enemy!

            Some criteria that can drive a ‘story’ are provoked through a series of very basic questions like, What?  Where?  When?  Why?  Who?  And How?



            Emotional response is related to the viewer’s FEELINGS about the CONCEPT -- the story as driven by your visual language …all of which establishes your VISUAL VOICE.

            Does the image arouse the SENSES other than vision?  Smell?  Taste?  Tactile (touch)?  Sound (can you hear something?  Is it quiet?  Is it loud?).

            Here are some emotional responses:  anxiety, anger, depression, love, hate, panic shock, rage, curiosity, belief, desire, envy, pride, mistrust, serenity, tension, etc.).


CREATIVITY = Original, unique solutions to visual problems.

STYLE = Point of View, Individual Visual Voice, Personal Truth.


Linda Lowell and James Wood,  © 2001