Photo 109 Project #1
Assignment: Image Analysis
Purpose: To develop the skill of identification for the seven qualities of light as represented by images in ads and articles found in magazines.
€ 3 ring notebook or binder to support the collection of images and analysis.
€ EZ paste product for attaching images and data to notebook
€ 20 color images from magazines, calendars, etc. neatly pasted into
your binder or notebook.
€ Acquire 20 images (one each from the categories below 16 required pulls / 4 open selections) -- #1 Specular, #2 Diffused, #3 Normal Exposure, #4 Under Exposure, #5 Over Exposure, #6 High Key, etc.
€ Paste your images and data analysis together on the same page (or on
the opposing side of the two-page spread).
€ Exercise good design.
€ Use the Œtemplate¹ format (found on the next page) for recording data.
example below for recording data for each image:
€ No silhouettes, out of focus or B&W images.
Sample Format for Analysis:
Direction of Main Light: 90° camera right
Specular: Yes / No
Diffused: Yes / No
Exposure: Normal / Under / Over
Key: HiKey / LowKey / Normal
Ratios: 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:8 1:8+
Color: Warm / Neutral / Cool
Direction of Main Light: _____º camera L or R
Specular: Yes / No
Diffused: Yes / No
Exposure: Normal / Under / Over
Key: HiKey / LowKey / Normal
Ratio 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:8 1:8+
Color: Warm / Neutral / Cool
of Main Light: _____º camera L or R
Specular: Yes / No
Diffused: Yes / No
Exposure: Normal /
Under / Over
Key: HiKey /
LowKey / Normal
Ratio 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:8 1:8+
Color: Warm / Neutral / Cool