MAT_116 Interactive Design I. Adobe Animate CC, with Action Scripting 3.0 |
Alejandra Jarabo |
DURATION OF THE COURSE: 8/29/22 to 12/17/22 This class is an introduction to the basics of Interactive Multimedia.
Through practical exercises and creative projects, we will learn how to use the Adobe Flash/Animate® environment to create Rich Media Applications, that can integrate animation, graphics, sound and interactivity. Rich media means a combination of sophisticated Graphics, high quality Typography, Audio and Video files, integrated into a single application that is prepared to load and run smoothly over the web. Flash/Animate is moving away from being the ideal platform for websites, because of not being supported on the I-phone and the I-pad but it is the best integrated platform to create complex interactivity and an ideal format to test simple games and apps, even if they later need to be reprogrammed in objective-C or other programming language. 1. We will begin the course by discovering the native graphic and Animation tools in Adobe Animate. The use of vector graphics, the use of a linear timeline, frame-by-frame animation, and specific animation assistants (Tweens) that are used in all digital animation systems. 2. The free-form, dynamic and intuitive experience that the user can get from an Adobe Animate application, requires you, the author, to organize all the content so it can be accessed through a process that we call Interactive Navigation. We will dedicate a good portion of the class to understand the Idea, possibilities and technical production of an Interactive Interface and the navigation that makes it functional. 3. This will be, for many of you your first experience in the field of Interactive Applications. It will be an intense one and require a good deal of concentration, (you are going to change, in a sense, the way in which you think, from Linear to non-linear structure). This change will open your creativity to a whole new world of possibilities: |
• We will be exposed to the problematic of creating an Interactive, as opposed to experiencing an Interactive. • We will discover how Flash structures the content to prepare it for interactive use (Symbols and Libraries). • We will bring Design, Composition, and Usability issues to design an Interface for your project. • We will analyze Communicative issues to understand the basics of Non-linear narrative , how to integrate information and interactive options in a narrative environment (intuitive content-use of buttons). • We will be introduced, through hands-on experience; to the structure that allows Flash to create Interactive/non linear applications; this is called Action Scripting. • We will recognize the difference between a linear Timeline and an Interactive Timeline , and we will learn how to label and organize an Interactive timeline in Flash. • We will understand the basics of Action scripting language through the practice of all the commands that control the Timeline Navigation . • We will practice on planning, organizing and structuring your content. We will also learn how to set different recompression settings for our media, and how to monitor and recreate the loading of our media across time with different bandwidth situations (how would it work for users with different connections and data-speed transfer) • By the end of the semester, and coinciding with the finishing of your first Interactive Project, we will get exposed to more specific programming concepts, that aloud us to create scripts that control the loading of our project and to dynamically load new content to your existing application. |
Student Learning Outcomes
SLO 1 - Animation - Upon successfully completing this class, a student will be able to use key-framed animation over a Timeline. |
COURSE STRUCTUREThis is NOT a self-paced course. Each week you will complete a module. Each module builds on the experience acquired in the previous one. Every semester we find students that figure out they have problems working with the software when they have more than 4 assignments due. The key to pass this class is working at a constant pace! |
Try to do your best on your weekly assignments. The assignments are not tests to check that you have practiced, they are creative opportunities to apply what you have learned. |
We will complete a Final Interactive Project that will be an equivalent of a Final Exam and will integrate most of the Techniques and routines learned through the course.
Since there is only going to be a week and a half fully dedicated to the completion of this Interactive piece or Rich Media application, it is a good idea to begin testing out creative ideas early on. You will provide me with a description of your Final project by mid-semester, describing the creative idea, wireframe structure or description of the parts, and methods of Integration. |
The class will take place in Canvas.
We will be working with ActionScripting 3.0 and Adobe Animate CC ZOOM SESSIONS I will hold Zoom sessions once a week, to demonstrate techniques for the weekly assignment.The Zoom demonstration will take place Thursday afternoons, at 4 PM and it will be recorded and uploaded to Youtube. ADOBE SOFTWAREWe are waiting for our new Adobe school license to work. It will allow you to use the school license in your computer at home. DO YOU LIKE TO HAVE A BOOK FOR CONSULTATION?If you work better with a book than with training videos, you could get any recent version of "Adobe Animate, classrom in a book". Adobe Animate, Classroom in a book. By Russel Chun. Books for older versions of the software work fine also to learn the drawing and animating tools. example: In the content page in Canvas I will be giving you links to specific videos @ every week. You can also search for other videos or features on that library, using the search field above. |
GRADINGI have portrayed as a graphic so you can see the numeral value of our weekly activities.
In the assignment description you will see the rubric/grading table that specifies what exactly will be graded. Each forum (or discussion group) can give you up to 10 points. From the eighth module on we will work producing interactive short projects. This involves working with "Action scripting". If you are NOT familiar with any programming language (and I am expecting most of you to be in that case), you are going to work very hard in modules 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. Please communicate with me and the tutor about your problems and show up in tutor Zoom meetings. I will send you an email if I require that you meet with the tutor for an specific assignment. We will work with timeline navigation to produce fully dynamic and interactive projects. Finally, try to not concentrate on numbers. The final goal of the class is to help you learn, and it has been structured around that goal. Good luck to you all and may you have a constructive experience. Alejandra |
Final grades will be based on this scale, being 1800 the total score:
Score | Grade | |
1,710 to 1,800 points | A | |
1,530 to 1,700 points | B | |
1,300 to 1,450 | C | |
1,100 to 1,200 | D | |
<1,050 | F |
School Calendar
Last day to add or drop, and receive a refund: September 11
Last day to switch to Pass/ No pass (you will not get a letter grade): December 9
Last day to withdraw from classes with out a letter grade: October 28, 2022
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities:
Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) coordinates all academic accommodations for students with documented disabilities at Santa Barbara City College.
If you have, or think you might have, a disability that impacts your educational experience in this class please contact DSPS to determine your eligibility for accommodations. DSPS is located in the Student Services (SS) Building, Room 162.
Their phone number is 805-730-4164.
If you are already registered with DSPS please submit your accommodation requests via the ‘DSPS Online Services Student Portal’ as soon as possible.
Once submitted and confirmed please visit with me about your specific accommodations.
Please complete this process in a timely manner to allow adequate time to provide accommodation.