These are the Instructions for the Seventh module of this course:
We are going to discover how to use the other 2 types of Library-symbols in Flash:
_ Movie-Clip symbols
_ Button symbols.
This lesson is the foundation of Interactive Media in Flash. It is very important that you get to understand how each one of those structures work.
When later on, you create interactive projects you will consistently use movie-clips and buttons, and graphic symbols will become a rudimentary idea from the past (more related to the linear timelines of a traditional animation).
Read the instructions for some reading and help information on Movie-clip symbols and Button symbols .
Complete this week's assignment on advanced symbol structure: movie-clips and buttons (Left column 2).
You will have to:
Download the zip folder "" from the assignment window to your local computer.
Examine the file "simplest_button.fla" and Practice creating a button (with Up, Over, Down and Hit state).
Examine then the file "button_examples.fla" to see different uses of the button pre-built structure in Flash.
Notice how Movie-Clip symbols can be used on the Up/rollOver/Down States (in the keyframe for each one of those States), to build animation into the button.
Remember that the HIT area is never visible: it defines the area where the button can be interacted. If you button contains text, Don't leave just the text on the hit area: you should at least create a rectangle the size of the text block, to make the button easier to press.Examine the file "MOVIE_clip1" to understand how to use Movie-Clip symbols and Movie-clip nesting to create looping animations.
Once you have practiced with the new techniques,
Create a NEW flash document, and redefine the document properties to match the indications provided in the assignment-instructions.
Create a little animation, contained in one frame in the main Timeline, using a button and a movie clip symbol(one on each layer).
You can create interesting situations, just by placing animation inside a button-state. Use this feature in a creative way.Remember to:
Use layers to organize your work, in the main Timeline and inside the symbols.
Name layers and symbols with a simple description of their content.If you want to get extra credit, you can use armatures in this assignment.
Armatures is a new feature in CS4. I want you to practice with it, only if you already understand movieclips and buttons.Name your assignment file: "7_myname_movieclip_button.fla"
Submit your assignment back before the deadline.
Participate in the discussion group.
This is an interesting week for posting the swf files of your assignments.
You can post URLs of flash sites that you like, and we can all look at them and talk about them.
You can always post problems and advice on it also.