These are the Instructions for the Sixth module of this course:

We are going to be exploring 2 techniques that allow you to render complex Motion tweenings:

_ How to move symbols following a defined path (curves or combination of curves and straight lines, whirls...)
In Flash CS3 you created a motion describing a curved motion through guides (a guide layer that combines with a motion tween layer).
In Flash CS4, you can do the same job using the default motion path that comes with motion tweens and using the Motion Editor to tweak it.

(NOTE: Flash CS4 still supports guide and guided layers but mostly so you can open a CS3 file.
If you want to use the old way of creating guides in CS4, you are welcomed to try it out)

_How to use masks. Masks in flash don't have to be static, they can contain their own animation (like the window you are seeing through is moving or changing shape).
What is masked is usually and animation also. Being able to animate both, the mask and the masked element can be used to produce amazing visuals.

At the same time we are getting more and more familiar with the use of symbols.
We understand now that we can place animation INSIDE a symbol (in it's own timeline).
In this module we are introducing the notion of NESTING symbols (one symbol containing one or several instances of another symbol) to produce more interesting animation
without adding file-size.
Remember to use acceleration and deceleration in your motion tweens to create a more organic effect.

Read the page with instructions for the reading and helpful information on Complex Motion tweening.

Complete this week's assignment on Complex Motion tweening: motion tweens following paths and the use of masks
You will have to:

Download the zip folder “” from the assignment window to your local computer.

Examine the files "6_guided_motion_T.fla" and "6_MASKsimple.fla".

Practice creating a curved path, tweaking the bezier points of the path with the white arrow tool.

Practice creating a still mask, an animated mask, and a mask applied to an animation (remember that you need a "mask" layer which the content acts like a cookie-cutter, and a "masked" layer which the content acts as cookie-dough)

Once you have have a grasp of the new techniques:
Create a NEW flash document, and redefine the document properties to match the indications provided in the assignment instructions.
Create a little animation piece, using complex motion tweening, both curved paths and masks.

2 motion tweens using curved paths,
1 animated mask (animation on the "mask" layer),
1 masked animation (animation on the "masked" layer).
Remember to:
Use symbols in your work.
Use acceleration and deceleration.
Make use of layers
to organize your work.
layers with a simple description of their content

If you are using bitmaps in your assignment, they shouldn't be bigger than the Stage size; import them to Flash as a jpeg, and remember that you should set recompression settings for exporting it as an swf in the Library (bitmap properties, double click on the bitmap little icon).

Name your assignment file: "myname_curvedpath_mask.fla"
Attach your "fla" file.
Submit your assignment back before the deadline.

Participate in the discussion group.
You can post URLs of flash sites that you like, and we can all look at them and talk about them.
You can always post problems and advice on it also.

Remember: the discussion group helps us build a learning community. There are plenty of things to share.