These are the Instructions for the First module of this course:

Download and read the file "Graphic_concepts1.doc"
It is a hand out in a Microsoft word format (click on the file name to download).
It contains information on bitmap graphics and vector graphics.

Do the reading and research for this week.

In this module you will be working with Bitmaps in Flash. All bitmap-images used on Flash, or any other "screen based application" should be set a resolution of 72 dpi.
Bitmaps used for printing are set at much higher resolutions (300dpi,600dpi 1200dpi...). All that resolution is useless in a screen besed presentation, in fact, it might become a problem.
For some info on the difference between bitmaps and vector-based graphics:

HERE is a link to a mini tutorial on how to change the resolution of a bitmap with Photoshop.

Since in Flash we develop work to be viewed over the web, it is important that you save your bitmap in a graphic compressed format.
You can save your bitmap-images as jpeg, gif, or png, depending on the type of image you are working with.

Rectangular-flat photographic images work best as jpegs. HERE is a link to a mini-tutorial on how to save an image as a jpeg in Photoshop.
Logos, charts or images with few colors, OR easy-cut transparent backgrounds, work best as gifs.HERE is a link on how to work the color-palette of a gif.
HERE is a link on how to set the matte color of a gif.

Images with good quality and transparency, or with areas of semytransparency (semitransparent shadows) can be saved as24bit png (called in the "Save for Web" dialog window in Photosop PNG-24)
24bit pngs don't make small files but they provide great quality. Dosify your bitmap graphics. what ever CAN be solved with Flash vector based tools, SHOULD be done that way.

Complete this week's assignment on bitmap versus vector based graphics (A_01 See bitmaps and vector shapes in FLASH)
You will have to:

Download the sample file in the assignment window to your local computer.

The file is called "".
It has been zipped to protect the file (some browsers in the past were altering the extension).

To download the file right click on the name and choose an option like "save as", or "download link to disk" in order to get it copied in your local disk. Then unzip the file by doubleclicking on the file name.

You can Zip it back when you finish the assignment, this way the file-size will decrease.
Remember that the assignment window will not accept files bigger than 5 MB big.

Play with the file. Observe the Timeline and notice the different layers.
Read the instructions in the File. You will have to work on frame 1 and frame 10 of the file.
Locate the Library panel (apple_L/control_L). Notice that the imported bitmap is part of the Library.
the "magnify tool" and the "hand" tool to zoom in the Stage and see the bitmap-image revealing the pixels when we see it with beyond its resolution.
Double click on the "magnifying tool" to come back to scale 100% or 1:1.
Play with the vector-based stars.

Find or produce a compressed bitmap (jpeg or gif) and follow the instructions in the sample file on how to import a bitmap file into Flash.
It should be a small bitmap. No bigger than 200K and no bigger than your stage. Add a small vector based drawing with basic drawing tools.
Rename the file as the rubric tells you to do.

Choose the file in your computer and Upload it.

Go to Discussion 1 and make your post acording to the instructions ("Add a new discussion topic").

Please add a pic with your avatar to your profile. I would prefer a real picture of you. If you have problems with this, at least upload a pic that will represent you.
If you don't know how to edit or access your profile in moodle see the mini-tutorial below.

Assignments are be always due by the end of the week.
The very last moment to submit them without loosing points is Sunday at midnight (exactly at 23:55 PM)

It takes some time to submit an assignment, specially right before the deadline so don't try to push it to the limit.

The maximum grade for an assignment is 50 points.
A late assignment has a maximum score of 45 points.
Read my feedback to your assignment and the grading table by going to MY GRADES in Moodle.

When you finish this module, you can proceed to module n 2.

Please plan your weekly schedule so you have time to work on your assignments during the current week. It takes between 2 and 5 hours, depending on your background and the complexity of the technique (working with code and different media takes logically longer).


For how to CHANGE YOUR PROFILE IN MOODE find the link to it this week. Every body should have a pic/avatar and a student description up.