Consult my Flash help-website on Using buttons:

Using Sound is mandatory on Module 9, but if you are using little sound bites in your buttons, it would be a good idea to take a look at what are "sound sync modes in Flash".

Remember that sounds for buttons should be short in duration and small in file-size

If you want to find free sound-effect files, you can find good ones at

Consult my Flash help-website for information on how to use flashkit and basic sound information.

My Home training videos for this week:

How to build a basic button through a button Symbol in Flash/Animate:

How organize your work inside Movieclip-symbols , to contain animation and all types of content:

Consult my Flash help-website on movie-clips:

Consult my Flash help-website on Creating artwork for your buttons:
You need to play with the buttons to make them work. There are explanations on how they were built.

Consult my Flash help-website to see examples of previous assignments for this week:
(remember to turn your speakers up)

This is an excellent week to practice with Flash Armatures in your animation.

Both the button/s and the main movieclip will need animation and armatures allow for very organic and soft animation that looks organic and flowy with a visual effect that resembles shape tweens.

You can place an armature on a raw shape by defining bones and joints between them with the bone tool (watch the training movies below). You can also define bones and joints on a character that has each body piece defined ad a movieclip symbol (but not containing animation on each part, that would be too gret for an animation that renders as it streams!).

The movement of a flash armature resembles a puppet or articulated toy (when working with movieclips) and a very organic morph when working with a raw shape. Use loose-stuffed shapes when working with the second technique and try not to push joints to the linmit or you will see the body using coherence on estreme motion. This is a tool to use with care.

You can read about Armatures/articulated motion on Chapter 5 of your book. You should get familiar with the Animation technique called Inverse Kinematics. Watch the video linked below.


Video links