We are going to practice with a Timeline in Flash/Animate, so you can complete a "Frame by Frame" animation assignment.
Watch my beginner level movie for frame by frame animation HERE

Read and watch the page on ANIMATION.
You will learn more about Timing and how to create variations in speed and styles of movement.
Taking those factors into account will help you create more "organic animations".

If you have a good background in computer graphics, it might be very interesting to combine bitmaps and vector based animation in this assignment.
You can use 1 bitmap of the size of your Stage as your background (on a separate lower layer), then work your animation to match that image.
You will encounter challenges with size, perspective and matching colors, but the results can be worthwhile the effort.

You can also work with a series of bitmaps. If you name them all the same and number them consecutive (head01, head02, head03...)flash will recognice them as a bitmap sequence when you import the first one and will create keyframes to import them into the timeline one after the other.
Be very careful with file size if you are planning to import a bitmap-sequence: the images should be never bigger than the size of the Stage.
To produce stop-motion animation with your camera, use a tripod to keep the camera steady. Leave it simple and don't think of more than 20 pictures.
Clay, plastiline, pipe cleaners can do amazing work. Remember that to qualify for this assignment, you need to also use flash animation on top.
Do you want to use sound?
We will be covering sound on module 9. You can check out the information and give it a try.
Always use mp3s and check the file size before you make your file even bigger.
The biggest danger here is beginners trying to use a complete song... Sounds should never be longer than 10-12 seconds in flash at this point.

This is a creative assignment. You are supposed to work with the challenge.
Look at previous "frame by frame Animation" assignments by other students:here or here.