ASSIGNMENT 6_Paths&Masks

file name:
5 of 5

Stage size 640 x 480 pixels
Duration: Minimum 90 frames long 5 of 5

Using curved-paths with the Motion tweens*
(Minimum of 2)
10 of 10

Use of masks.
Animation on the mask layer
Animation on the masked layer
(Minimum of 2)
10 of 10

Create a story with those advanced Motion tween techniques
10 of 10

Use of Nested symbols
(Minimum one symbol containing 2 different symbols)
10 of 10


Total score
50 of 50

*Think of an animation that uses curved-paths . The design of the path needs to contribute somehow to the story (the element has to move in a special way, or following a path defined by the background design...).
You can use a very intricate curved movement in a motion tween with only 2 keyframes (the IN and the OUT).

Don't forget about Nesting symbols. If a symbol contains one or several others that include an animation (a rotating wheel-symbol as part of a car symbol) don't forget to give the adequate frame duration to the symbol containing the others (the car symbol in this case, so you can see the wheel rotating).


Sample files for CS4:


Example to understand what is to "nest symbols" in Flash
Notice that some of the files in this folder use classic motion tweens and old fashion guides.
Those techniques are outdated now, although you can still see them in CS4, please focus on the use of nesting and work with current Motion tweens and curved paths to create that type of motion.