ASSIGNMENT 5_ MotionTweens


name: 5_myname_Motiontween.fla 5 of 5

Stage size: 640 x 480 pixels
Create a story Motion tweens 20 of 20

Duration: Minimum 90 frames long
Minimum 5 Motion Tweens.
Use graphic symbols
Changes in color and alpha,
Changes of speed through acceleration and deceleration
25 of 25

Late submission

Total score
50 of 50

This is a creative assignment, use MotionTweens to carry through some kind of formal evolution or mini-narrative.
Use a main character/s or shape/s to practice using the Library. Remember that a symbol can be made out of several other symbols.
Remember that to change the speed of a motion tween you need to use the Motion Editor panel. Get familiar with the visual controls of this panel before you attempt to use it in the assignment.

Uncompressed fla file,