You are going to build a small Flash project that makes use of Movie-clips to organize the content of your Navigation.

You need to have 2 movieclips on Stage:
One Movie-clip for graphics, called content_mc, and another for sound (sound_mc).
There are going to be 2 sound-controlling buttons, to play and stop the Streaming sound.
The buttons should be placed on the Main Timeline.

There will be a button that controls the movieclip with the graphic content.
The conceptual relation between the button and the content movieclip becomes the key or the central point of your Interactive piece.

ASSIGNMENT 11_ Clarification of goals POINTS COMMENTS
button for Image content Design.
Integration with Stage design.
Right script.

movie-clip symbol with
Image content
Named instance on Stage (content_mc)
Concept. Originality

Movie clip structure with framelabels.
Stops if any animation included on Timeline.

buttons to Start and Stop the
background sound
Integration with Stage design.
Right script.

movie-clip symbol with
Sound content

Named instance on Stage (sound_mc)

Stop action on frame 1
Sound over timeline begining on frame 2
Sound sync mode to "streaming"



For Flash CS4,

That folder contains several files:

11_telltarget_AS3.fla This is the simplest example of how do you target a movieclip with ActionScripting.

11_rollover_galleryAS3.fla This file is the same one that you saw on module 9, if you didn't build the classic slydeshow.
If you did the simple/linear slideshow on module 9, here is your chance to build the sophisctiacted version of an image gallery. It uses "targeting a movieclip" with Actionscripting.
Remember you still have to add the sound part.

11_changescores_AS3.fla Another example of the graphic part of the assignment.
Inside the movieclip numbers_mc, on the stop after framelabel 1, I included a button that "targets one level up" : a button, inside a movieclip is asking the main timeline to move to a certain framelabel. This code is NOT NEEDED for this assignment but some of you might encounter situations where you need that piece of code.

test_talkUp_AS3.fla Reference for "talking" to the main timeline from inside a movieclip in AS3. The same special code we talked about on the previous file, by itslef on a file.