ASSIGNMENT 11_ | Clarification of goals | POINTS | COMMENTS |
button for Image content | Design. Integration with Stage design. Right script. |
movie-clip symbol with Image content |
Named instance on Stage (content_mc) Concept. Originality Movie clip structure with framelabels. Stops if any animation included on Timeline. |
buttons to Start and Stop the background sound |
Design. Integration with Stage design. Right script. |
movie-clip symbol with |
Named instance on Stage (sound_mc) Stop action on frame 1 |
For Flash CS4,
That folder contains several files:
11_telltarget_AS3.fla This is the simplest example of how do you target a movieclip with ActionScripting.
11_rollover_galleryAS3.fla This file is the same one that you saw on module 9, if you didn't build the classic slydeshow.
If you did the simple/linear slideshow on module 9, here is your chance to build the sophisctiacted version of an image gallery. It uses "targeting a movieclip" with Actionscripting.
Remember you still have to add the sound part.
11_changescores_AS3.fla Another example of the graphic part of the assignment.
Inside the movieclip numbers_mc, on the stop after framelabel 1, I included a button that "targets one level up" : a button, inside a movieclip is asking the main timeline to move to a certain framelabel. This code is NOT NEEDED for this assignment but some of you might encounter situations where you need that piece of code.
test_talkUp_AS3.fla Reference for "talking" to the main timeline from inside a movieclip in AS3. The same special code we talked about on the previous file, by itslef on a file.