You are going to build a little Interactive Map.
You are going to place at least 4 transparent buttons.
The buttons will have complex roll-overs (remote rollovers or small movie-clips on rollover).
Remember that in a good interactive, the rollover state reveals important information. It's a chance to know more without clicking.
Each button will direct through code to its corresponding Frame-label.
Underneath each framelabel you will place a graphic or movieclip containing the section's content.
Notice that you have to design your Stage space, so different information appears with different mouse interaction keeping a constant interface.

ASSIGNMENT 10_ Clarification of goals
Interactive map concept Map idea. Originality.
Development of idea
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Content incorporated
inside the button

What content displayed on rollOver and Down Stages.
Clarity in the display of content on Stage.

Use of transparent buttons:
movieclip used on rollOver?
Remote rollover? (out of area of up, using the same area on Stage for every button)

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Timeline Navigation.

Navigation ALWAYS visible
Content displayed on Main Timeline after the button is pressed. Framelabels in place. used in script.
All buttons named on Stage (name in Library doesn't count)
Interface design when content is displayed

Complexity/Variety of the content

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Programming the buttons with DOT syntax
All button-scripts are contained on 1 keyframe over the timeline.
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Sample file for Flash CS4, 10_interactivemap_AS3.fla